After school I recorded an intro and ending - I had really wanted to have kids do this, but there simply was no time to get that together - next month, for sure! Anyway, while I had an hour before my second Family Internet Night, I figured out how to put the clips in order on one new track, and I added my own to the beginning and end. Burned it all on a CD after the meeting, and brought it home.
That's when the fun began - not. I found this music I wanted to use as a lead in/out - a midi track - which of course I found out will not play or record in Audacity. So I used my little Total Recorder program, Winamp, and Audacity - to play, record, save in different formats, equalize volume levels on all the different reports, resample the audio in at a lower mp3 quality, etc. It was crazy, and extremely frustrating at times. At 11 PM I started to get somewhere. At 1:30 AM I had something I could present to the world as a first attempt. Nowhere to go but up:
But will I remember what I did in April?!!!