- there are way more people sending in pictures to be put on the web site
- people are sending in multiple, huge image files - like emails with three - 2MB images. I had several of those today - a total of 75 MB (so far) of images via email, yikes
- there are currently 81 reports waiting to be individually edited and approved for addition to the website database
- this all happened in one day. Way more than this has come in already. MUCH more will come in in the next few days...
- I'm looking at 15 hours of work that landed in my lap today - hard, intense, coding...
- Tomorrow that total will be added to... more the next, etc. It is that time of year.
Swamped, I am.
On the other hand, today there was a first in my third grade classroom. I gave a writing assignment this morning (Earth Day), and by the end of the day, every single student had posted an article to his/her blog, and they were all approved. To the non-teacher, this may not seem like any big whoops, but for the teacher who understands the differences in ability and individual motivation in each and every child in today's classrooms, well....
I'm saved.
Maybe part of their sucess in writing had to do with the fact that they saw themselves on a video on the Internet for the first time. If so, I'm getting a new video camera and filming every day!
Anyway, they ALL wrote, and many wrote very well. They had like 15 minutes, and they wrote off the tops of their heads. Check their posts on 4/22 on the left side of roomtwelve.com. One more time I say thank goodness for the kids.