Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Birding getaway

Black backed woodpecker
Originally uploaded by mahlness.
Today Janeanne and I went to Eastern Washington in search of the black-backed woodpecker. We found these (parents and fledglings) by 8:30 AM. My other two "Birds of the Day" were also lifers: a pair of Lewis' Woodpeckers feeding young at a nest, and a family of five red naped sapsuckers. Absolutely breathtaking. It is so good to remember the beauty of the natural world. Here's Janeanne's summary of our day, posted to Tweeters.

1 comment:

Krazy Dandelion said...

Hi Mark~
Your photos are wonderful!
Do you check your email in the summer? I just wondered because I emailed you a note earlier this week about my idea to become blog-buddies between your 3rd graders and mine in Bayard Nebraska. Since I hadn't heard back from you I thought I'd leave a note for you here.
Your class blogging efforts have inspired me to do this with my kids this coming fall.