Who needs Goliath? David is taking on David, and they are both giants. Everybody involved in this discussion is going out of their way to be polite and respectful to David Warlick and David Thornburg.
To me, it's a slam dunk, it's a pin in less than 30 seconds.
The semantics of "exactly what IS web 2.0" (gag me) aside, Warlick has made the leap to a qualitatively different way of viewing education in the 21st century. Interesting that Thornburg, in his initial comment, made a typo there.
It is a fascinating conversation that needs to be read and followed. It is being gone over again in another post by Warlick. His post is great, but most will be drawn to the comments - as in the one that started it all. Add the posts to your aggregator. Note the action is all on Warlick's blog.
I mentioned making a leap. That is exactly what those standing stoutly behind Warlick have made. And that is what the Thornburg proponents have not made.
A leap.
Of faith.
That many have made and are raving about.
Where I teach, 99% of the educators have not made that leap. The gap between those who have leapt and those who cling to the cliff of 19th and 20th century education widens every day. There are some still sitting on the fence, but many big name folks I started out admiring back in the early nineties when I blazed a few edtech trails have, sadly, stayed put.
For those who look back, it's a little sad and depressing. But those moving on will not look back for long, because they might miss a key, an important road sign, or a beacon to light the the way to a new path for education.
warlick thornburg
Thanks for posting this and aiming me over to that other discussion. Very interesting.
Why do you think that you are still one of very few teachers who is actually using this stuff (Web 2.0 or whatever you want to call it)? I know that testing has a huge effect, but I am wondering what other barriers you are seeing.
Janice, about why so few teachers are using web 2.0 stuff...
I don't see it as a problem with barriers anymore (trying to readjust my thinking to a more positive approach), but I see it as a problem with incentives - or motivation.
What is it about the folks who have jumped into web 2.0 and beyond (Second Life, for instance) with both feet? Why did they do it?
I think we need to start looking there for some answers. - Mark
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