Saturday, October 14, 2006

wiki work

Here is a little in-house in-service I did on Friday, October 13th, 2006, at my school, Arbor Heights Elementary, in Seattle Washington. It was meant as an introduction to the world of wikis for my colleagues, so it started off on a very basic level, but by the end of half an hour or so, we had a few editors working on our fledgling school wiki - and, I hope, thinking way beyond that, to where the potential of this medium can take us - as learners and teachers. I recorded and edited my remarks in a podcast (27 min, 1.6mb). We worked from a local web page I hastily put together to guide the learning (sometimes referred to as the "Staff Links" page in the podcast). It appears below:

Wiki Work
In-Service, Oct. 13, 2006


  1. Know what a wiki is
  2. Know the difference between a wiki and Wikipedia
  3. Understand basic navigation on a wiki
  4. Familiarity with the school wiki,
  5. Create a wiki identity
  6. Hands on experience editing and creating pages on:
    * the staff wiki:
    * the school wiki,
  7. Begin to understand the educational potential in school,
    with kids and adults Wikispace
roomtwelve.wikispaces.comroomtwelve.pbwiki.comWild about Wikis
(great article by
David Jakes)
Mark's wiki category
(scroll down)
Arbor Heights entry on Wikipedia