- my kids' postings on testing (and incredible responses from kids/teachers all over): It's over, but the writing continues!
- Doug Noon's writing - yikes, he's the tellraven guy! I have got to find time to comment!
- getting a few blogspot.com domains cleared through the Seattle School District filter this morning. I will keep adding to the list, now that I know it's possible.
- recording/editing the news reporters for the April podcast of the Jr Seahawk Newsletter at school today - two hours into it, and two more to go, for a precious 5 minutes...
- Miguel Guhlin's writing, today and every day, it seems, lately...
- the hundreds of inspirational reports that I have read through carefully today and the past week, carefully editing before posting on The Earth Day Groceries Project
- the hundreds of pictures I've posted on dozens of new web pages from schools around the world for the same project
- a very nice email I got this morning from a teacher/doc student in NY, who put me together as the earth day guy who wrote a chapter in this book. Although proud of my contribution there, it is so very dated... Still, it does not take much to lift tender spirits right now.
So many things I want to write about. So little time. I have to, even more, seek out those classroom teachers doing web 2.0 stuff with their kids. They know what's happening, they will have more to offer me, and vice versa. It's 10:15 PM, got to correct papers, plan for tomorrow, and edit student blogs just sent in from home.
Write for yourself first, and so what if others don't like it? We're in the world of the long tail...someone will be bound to read it,especially if you are passionate about it.
At the end of day, if you're the only one reading, that's alright, especially if you wrote for yourself...sort of like the poem the man in the glass.
Miguel, thanks again for your encouragement. The man in the glass - how wonderful! - Mark
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