Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Connecting with parents

I'm planning a family education night in my classroom. Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks. This is all about Internet safety, as I'm worried that safety at home may not always be as tight as it is in the classroom. I also want to show the parents firsthand how classblogmeister works - how I get notification of every change to their blogs, how every word must be approved by me, etc. And last, I want to show how truly revolutionary and exciting this all is - the potential, the future, etc. Families all together. I don't think it'll be hard to come up with material - the hard part will be keeping it to an hour, which is all I can reasonably expect busy families to give during the school week.

This education has to happen at many levels - for instance need to tell and show them that MySpace.com is indeed blocked on our school computers. We do not have open access to it, as Nicole Brodeur recently wrote in her Seattle Times column. That kind of misinformation really needs to be corrected. I'm sure we'll have a discussion about myspace. We need to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny you mention this. Today two of my students spoke about their "myspace" sites. I asked them how they set them up, if I could find them by using their real name, etc. They seemed pretty aware of making an anonymous presence but who knows.

This also came across my screen today. You may be interested in it.

A MySpace Cheat Sheet for Parents

See ya!