It's become a little bit of a tradition for me to post a picture of my report card table mess - which includes my laptop connected to a student blog. This year , with the addition of 4
XO laptops to my life and classroom, there was a twist. I had an extra fine time reviewing student blog articles to help determine their grades in writing for this marking period - connected via an XO, in blazing sunshine in my backyard (a very big deal in Seattle lately).
I do not have manilla folders with writing samples to send home to parents or to pass on to next year's teacher. The fate for both of those folders would likely have been the same - eventual recycling material.

The writing on my kids' blogs will live on, for a very long time - available to anyone. Even if
the site closes down someday, there will be digital footprints of their writing, in many places. Tomorrow night I burn 25 CD's after school, one for each of my third graders. There will be tons of Word docs and PowerPoint presentations, several videos, hundreds of pictures - and each student will get a local version of his/her blog.
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