Sunday, September 24, 2006

Planting time

Normally harvest time around here (and I have been very busy with my hops and grapes), I find myself also in the position of planting seeds. Covering them up, giving them a little water, saying encouraging things to them (doesn't everybody talk to their seeds?). This of course has to do with the start of the school year cycle. A few I just planted:
  • keyboard practice with my new third graders.
  • getting another teacher in my building to (maybe) start up a classblogmeister blog.
  • talking with a newspaper reporter about blogging with my kids
  • starting up wikis for my school and my classroom
  • offering web 2.0 workshops for teachers in my district (I'm planting that one this week
    oops, a couple I forgot (really have to mark those rows!):
  • starting a Wikipedia entry for my school
  • starting an email list for the school PTSA

I have great hopes for these seeds. Some will need more tending than others. Some might even be duds. But there is potential for an incredible, sparkling garden filled with beautiful blossoms during the dark days of winter this year.

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