Monday, March 03, 2008

Third Time's the Charm

On February 28, 2008 I presented a one hour concurrent session, Third Time's the Charm - at NCCE in Seattle, WA. Here's how it went.

The idea of the whole thing was to talk about blogging with my third graders at This is my third year doing so, hence the real catchy title... Part of my reason for presenting was that it was a requirement (to do a regional presentation) of the grant I was awarded last April, a 2007 Qwest Foundation Learning Technology Grant

I was extremely anxious about this presentation. Besides worrying about getting nervous speaking, there was the concern of nobody showing up - or just a handful. Anyway, I went on with my prep, did a PowerPoint preso (very little text), prepared a one page handout, made it into a pdf, and put all this stuff on a wiki:

There were 50 to 60 people there, easily 80% teachers, and most of them elementary. It was a good audience. The tech stuff set up easily, I was able to use my own laptop, and I was off....

Third Time's the CharmSo I just talked. I had been over this enough in my mind and with notes, so it was really a breeze. Then came the risky part. I checked my email in the middle of the preso to see if my kids had sent in any blog articles to be published.

Bingo! 25 emails were there, waiting for me to approve articles to my third graders' blogs. So we went on. We went over a few of them live, looking at the emails, navigating the back end of classblogmeister, the whole works. People asked a fair number of questions along the way, which was great. I had to cut some things short. I never thought I'd run out of time.

In the hurry to wrap it up, I forgot to ask if anybody had the answer to the bird quiz. I also forgot to start my mp3 recorder - I was going to use some of it in a podcast - darn!!

Here are the bird pics I showed. ID them correctly through a comment (without clicking on them of course), and win a prize! (well not really)

hmmm? Eating in a snowstorm hmmm?

1 comment:

Ann Oro said...

Unfortunately, my eyes are not good enough to see the birds. Congrats on your presentation! It's scary to depend on technology in an unknown situation, but it sounds like it went well...and you made your commitment toward the grant as well.